Harness Way, St. Albans

Sold £315,000


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Living Room

A part glazed UPVC front door and double glazed window to front. Down lighters. LVT wood flooring. Storage cupboard. Stairs to first floor. Radiator. Open to to:-


Double glazed window to side. A modern range of wall and base mounted units with work surface over. Stainless steel sink unit with tiled splash backs. Integrated electric oven with gas hob and extractor fan. Space and plumbing for washing machine and under counter fridge. Wall mounted Gas combination boiler. Large storage cupboard with power and light.


Access to part boarded loft. Down lighters. Doors to:-


Double glazed window to side. A modern refitted bathroom suite comprising: Bath with mixer tap and shower attachment. Pedestal wash hand basin. Low level WC. Chrome heated towel rail. Part tiled walls and vinyl flooring.


Double glazed window to rear. Down lighters. Radiator. A range of fitted floor to ceiling wardrobes. Additional built in cupboard. Painted floor boards.


A private patio garden located to the front of the property. Fence to boundaries with gate to access. Security lighting and external water tap to side.